Use the Glyphs of Summoning he gave you in the purple summoning just by him. Once you have looted Tablet of Verga return to Mordak Darkfist, he will give you the third and final quest in this series The Binding. You will want to take a left turn at the first fork you come and follow the path until you come across a small metal chest. The chest itself is located at the back of the cave. He will give you the quest Creature of the Void which sends you to Skull Rock, a cave east of the entrance to Orgrimmar.

You will find him in The Cleft of Shadows. From him you will receive quest Gan'rul's Summons to speak with Mordak Darkfist in Orgrimmar. To start your journey to get your Voidwalker as an orc you will visit your trainer Ophek located in Razor Hill. Congratulations! You've just completed your first set of Warlock class quests. Once this is done, you may return to Halgar, and he will reward you with Teach Summon Voidwalker. You will receive Runes of Summoning and must use this in the purple summoning circle by Carendin Halgar to bring forth a Voidwalkerand defeat it in battle. Once you have your Egalin's Grimoire return to Carendin Halgar for the next quest The Binding. This item is located inside a small chest within a broken down tower defended by Scarlet Crusade mobs. He will give you the follow up quest Creature of the Void to obtain Egalin's Grimoire.

You will find him at the east side of The Mage Quarter. From him you will receive quest Halgar's Summons to speak with Carendin Halgar in the Undercity. To start your journey to get your Voidwalker as an Undead you will visit your trainer Ageron Kargal located in Brill. Note, however, that the effectiveness of the pet reduces as you obtain better gear and deal more damage, pulling aggro off it. This is a short quest chain, and I would heavily advise you do this as soon as you hit level 10. This pet will aid the Warlock tanking mobs with its Consuming Shadows and Suffering allowing you to free cast and preserve health for more Life Tap and less sitting around drinking/eating. The first Warlock class quest chain is for the Summon Voidwalker. You may be interested in the following WoW Classic guides to further delve into the intricacies of the Warlock class: We will provide walkthroughs of all the important Warlock quests, including those with special Horde and Alliance quest differences.įor a complete list of class quests, including those with incidental rewards, please visit our Classic Warlock Quest Database. Welcome to the WoW Classic Warlock class quests guide, detailing all of the notable quests for the Warlock class which unlock demon pets like the Summon Voidwalker, as well as the Felsteed mount.